Support Services

Culture & Philosophy

“The way we work is as forward-thinking as the solutions we provide, embracing automated delivery, collaborative thinking and a truly flexible workforce. The partnerships we forge with our clients encompass all of this and more, as we support them throughout the full project life-cycle, from feasibility studies and planning, to detailed design and whole life support.”

We also work with our clients to understand their specific needs and engage contractors and utility providers to reach a collaborative solution. Our focus on building relationships and a mutual understanding of the end-goal helps reduce the time and cost of delivery.

Thomas Bissai - Construction Division Manager


Survey Crew

Site Development and Earthworks

ROW Preparation

Trench Excavation

 Sand Bedding

Berm Construction

 Oil Stabilization Scraper

Trap Launcher / Receivers site Preparation

 Mainline Valve Site Preparation

 Precast Fabrication

 Fence Installation

Dewatering Camel Crossing

 Evaporation Pond contraction

Mechanical Activities

Hot Activities

Tie in Activities

 Pipe Stringing Pipe Bending

 Scraper Launcher installation

Main line Valve Station and Jump over Installation

Hydro test activities

Painting and sand blasting

Tap Activities



Cable Pulling and Installation

Cable Termination

Panels installation